
Alibaba is being sued by the company behind luxury brands including Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent, which alleges the Chinese ecommerce group encourages and profits from the sale of counterfeit goods on its platform.旗下享有古驰(Gucci)、伊夫圣罗兰(Yves Saint Laurent)等奢华品牌的法国开云集团(Kering)近日控告了阿里巴巴(Alibaba),指控这家中国电商集团对其平台上销售假货不道德起着希望起到并借此利润。Kering claimed Alibaba is complicit in the sale of fake handbags, watches and other items on its marketplace sites in a manner that constitutes “racketeering”, according to a lawsuit filed in New York on Friday.根据上周五在纽约驳回的诉讼,开云集团声称,阿里巴巴共谋参予其平台上以“诈骗”的方式销售冒充手袋、手表和其他商品的不道德。
The Paris-based group is suing on behalf of Balenciaga, the French luxury brand, and Italian fashion house Bottega Veneta, both of which it owns, and alleges in the complaint that the services Alibaba provides to its marketplace customers actively encourage buyers to look for fraudulent goods. Search suggestions such as “replica” and “cucci” and “guchi” lead potential customers to fake products, the complaint alleges.总部坐落于巴黎的开云集团是代表旗下的法国奢华品牌巴黎世家(Balenciaga)和意大利时尚企业葆蝶家(Bottega Veneta)驳回诉讼的,它指控称之为,阿里巴巴向其市场上的顾客获取的服务大力希望买家找寻假货。控告中称之为,“同款”、“cucci”、“guchi”等搜寻建议不会将潜在顾客引领至假货卖家那里。
“The Alibaba defendants facilitate and encourage the sale of an enormous number of counterfeit products through their self-described ‘ecosystem,’ which provides manufacturers, sellers, and buyers of counterfeit goods with a marketplace for such goods, and provides online marketing, credit card processing, financing, and shipping services that effectuate the sale of the counterfeit products,” lawyers on behalf of the company wrote in the complaint.该公司的代理律师在起诉书中写到:“被告阿里巴巴便利和希望了大量假货通过阿里巴巴自己所说的‘生态系统’销售,这一生态系统为假货的生产商、卖家和买家获取了交易此类商品的市场,并获取在线营销、信用卡反对、融资和发货服务,使假货的销售以求构建。”Alibaba has rejected the claim, saying: “We continue to work in partnership with numerous brands to help them protect their intellectual property, and we have a strong track record of doing so.阿里巴巴坚称了上述指控,称之为:“阿里巴巴集团仍然与诸多品牌方联手致力于知识产权的维护,并且获得了较好的效果。”“Unfortunately, Kering Group has chosen the path of wasteful litigation instead of the path of constructive co-operation. We believe this complaint has no basis and we will fight it vigorously.”“失望的是,此次开云集团采行多余的诉讼手段,而没自由选择与阿里巴巴积极开展建设性合作以前进解决问题此事。